
A Communication Translation System and Methods Thereof

Inventors: Sureswaran Ramadass, Ahmed Mansour Manasrah, Omar Amir Abuabdallah
Malaysia Patent Number: MY-150369-A
Date Granted: 31-12-2013

A Monitoring and Surveillance System for a Computer Network

Inventors: Sureswaran Ramadass, Ahmed Mansour Manasrah
Malaysia Patent Number: MY-145092-A
Date Granted: 31-12-2011
Abstract: The present invention relates to an advanced computer network surveillance and monitoring system ensuring the network’s high performance. It consists of several components that works in an integrated way to monitor the network silently and intelligently. generally, the computer network surveillance and monitoring system comprising a monitoring engine and a monitoring server providing traffic management and a database for records send by said monitoring engine.

A System and a Method for Detection Computer Worms In a Computer Network Using Memory Efficient Circular Buffer

Inventors: Sureswaran Ramadass, Ahmed Mansour Manasrah
Malaysia Patent Number: MY-145092-A
Date Granted: 31-12-2011
Abstract: The present invention relates to the implementation of a memory efficient circular buffer and its method to ensure a high performance network worm detection engine. The worm detection engine detects the existence of worms in a distributed computer network. This invention proposes the implementation of a highly efficient circular buffer technology to support a high performance network worm detection engine. It comprises of a buffering means for storing data packets and a detecting means for identifying worms from incoming and outgoing data packets from the network.